How to Avoid Keloids


Abigail Mckenzee

Discovering keloids for the first time is often not too disconcerting. The problem is, after a few years they become extremely unsightly to the point that it can erode the confidence of even the most non-body conscious woman, as was the case with me up until my early thirties.

So what can be done about it, well there are a multitude of treatment options available some with greater success rates than others. I myself have undertaken a few unsuccessful treatment routes and for this reason I hope to shed light on a relatively unknown subject matter, and assist in highlighting the best treatment plan for you.



To the uninitiated, keloids are thick, itchy clusters of scar tissue that generally grow beyond the edges of a wound. They are sometimes very nodular in nature, and they are often darker in color than the surrounding skin. In addition, keloid scars have a propensity to reappear, sometimes requiring repeated treatment. Perhaps this is the reason I have first hand experience with all the following treatment options.


One of the first things you should do in order to prevent keloids is to ascertain whether you are prone to such scarring. If this is the case it is highly advised to avoid any elective skin surgery and piercings. Unfortunately for me and my lovely mocha skin, keloids are most common in people with dark skin tones, although they can appear on people with fair skin too.

Around my early thirties I decided to finally begin to treat my keloid scars and following my doctor’s advice I undertook a series of corticosteroid injections. As if living through a nightmare, these unsightly scars proved too resilient and simply reoccurred once I stopped receiving the injections. I have also heard similar stories from people who have undergone various laser treatments, radiation, freezing (cryotherapy), and other forms of surgical removal.

However, the treatment that has transformed my keloid problem is the daily application of a natural scar removal cream. Throughout the last 15 years this has been the only solution that has both reduced the appearance and size of the scarring, as well as curbing the introduction of new keloid scars. Moreover, the cream thankfully removed the discomforting and incessant itching that accompanies keloids.

So for those of you who have undergone various

keloid treatment

solutions without success I personally recommend BIOSKINCARE. This 100% natural

scar cream

contains enzymes that dissolves scar tissue while expedited the rebuilding of new collagen and improving the elasticity of the skin.

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How to Avoid Keloids}